What giving a gift is all about

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Etsy Round Up --- Calendars

Ah ... there's no better way to begin a New Year at your office than by unwrapping a new calendar and starting off on Day 1 (or 2 or 3, depending on when you went back to work and/or remembered to bring in your new calendar, like myself). And nothing says New Year like these calendars from Etsy --- get 'em while there's still time!

I love this hand-drawn calendar from Laundrypop, specifically the hand-writted Months and dates. It's very playful. $12.00

The calendar that looks like a calendar but reads like a post card --- the 2008 happify calendar! This set of 12 note cards can be posted on your cube wall or sent out with a note to friends. Vomit enducing idea! Send your significant other a note card every month with the reasons why you love him or her...I can feel the chunks rising already. $12.00 at Happify.

Of course, if you are tired of running out to purchase a calendar every year, you could always pick up this perpetual wooden block calendar from Queenvanna Creations. There are three month blocks and two date blocks, plus the wooden base.

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